Nutrition Support Resource

India's most efficient
nutrient analyis tool

NSR-NutriCal simplifies nutrient calculations with precision. With minimal effort, you can obtain accurate nutrient analysis by following a few uncomplicated steps.



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When you open the NSR-NutriCal sheet, please wait a few seconds for a welcome message to appear in the bottom right corner.

To do nutrient analysis, we have to come to the NSR-NutriCal Sheet Tab.

Let’s start nutrient analysis for a recipe – “Khicheri.

1) Let’s type the name of our recipe, “Khicheri”, in the B7 cell.

2) Next, we have to select a desired database in the B5 cell.

Note: There are two standard databases: IFCT and USDA. These databases contain information on food items and their nutrient values per 100 grams. We can also create two additional databases by saving our own recipes in the “My Recipe Database” sheet or by manually entering per-100-gram values in the “External Database” sheet.

For this recipe, let’s select the IFCT 2017 Database.

3) In the B6 cell, we can see that the selected database is divided into different food groups. We can select an option to get food items only from a specific food group or from all food groups.

For this recipe, let’s select the option “All Food Items,” which will show all the food items from the selected database.

4) Now we can start selecting our ingredients from the B8 to B108 cells.

Note: As we type an ingredient name, the list will get sorted for all the food items with that name.

Let’s type “Rice” as our first ingredient. We can see that there are many options for rice such as rice raw, rice puffed, rice flakes etc. Let’s select “Rice Raw”.

5) Next, we have to mention the quantity of rice in grams in the C8 cell. Let’s say we need 100 grams of rice for this recipe.

Note: Mention only numerical values in the C8 to C108 cells.

Similarly, we can mention all the other ingredients and their quantities for this recipe.

6) Once we have mentioned all our ingredients and their quantities, we can select desired nutrients from the D4 to X4 cells. We can directly type a nutrient name and choose it from the sorted list.

For example, let’s type “Fibre” and select “Total Dietary Fibre”.

Similarly, we can mention all the other nutrients that we want to analyze for this recipe.

7) Next, we have to select how many decimal points we want for each nutrient value from the D5 to X5 cells. There are four options: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The default value is 3.

Let’s select 0 for macronutrients, 1 for fibre and 2 for micronutrients.

8) And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for! We have to go to the NSR Dropdown in the B2 cell and choose the first option, “🔵 NutriCal”.

9) The B2 cell will display the message, “In Progress…”, which means that NSR-NutriCal is working hard to analyze our recipe and we have to be patient for a few seconds until the B2 cell says “NSR”.

10) Then we can see the results in all their glory!

From D6 to X6 cells, we’ll get the totals per 100g of each nutrient for the recipe.

From the C7 to X7 cells, we’ll get the grand totals, starting with the total quantity of our recipe, followed by the total amount of each nutrient.

From the D8 to X108 cells, we’ll get the breakdown of each nutrient for each ingredient.

Extras: Now you may notice that the total of ingredients and the cooked weight are not the same. This is because cooking can change the weight of food.

If we want to adjust the weight, we can simply enter the difference in the last cell of the quantity column, the “C” column. To increase the weight, enter a positive number. To decrease the weight, enter a negative number with a minus sign (-).

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All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

NSR-NutriCal Sheet Basic Operations


When you open the NSR-NutriCal sheet, please wait a few seconds for a welcome message to appear in the bottom right corner.

Save Recipe

1) After mentioning the recipe name, and all its ingredients and their quantities, go to the NSR Dropdown in the B2 cell and choose the second option, “💾 Save”.

2) The B2 cell will display the message, “In Progress…”, which means that NSR-NutriCal is working hard to analyze our recipe and we have to be patient for a few seconds until the B2 cell says “NSR”.

3) Now let’s check out the “My Recipe Database (per 100g)” sheet and see what we have. Voila! Our recipe is saved with all the nutrients calculated in the standard format of per 100g.

Note: The “💾 Save” option doesn’t save the ingredients of the recipe. It just save all the nutrients per 100g of the recipe.

4) To select the saved recipes in the NSR-NutriCal sheet, select the “My Recipe Database” option in the B5 cell. Then select the desired recipes from B8 to B108 cells and respective weight from C8 to C108 cells.

Reset NSR-NutriCal Sheet

After performing nutrient analysis on the NSR-NutriCal sheet, you may want to start over again.

1) Go to the NSR Dropdown in the B2 cell and choose the third option, “↩️ Reset”.

2) The B2 cell will display the message, “In Progress…”, which means that NSR-NutriCal is clearing all the nutrient analysis data from the sheet and restoring it to its original format, and we have to be patient for a few seconds until the B2 cell says “NSR”.

Note: The “↩️ Reset” option will erase all your data on NSR-NutriCal sheet only, so make sure to save your work before resetting the sheet.