NSR-NutriCal helps in precise recipe calculation & also saves time to have more in-depth knowledge of nutrients.
Skilled in analysing data, and implementing process improvements using Google Sheets.
My passion lies in promoting nutrition digitalisation, advancing education and empowering entrepreneurship.
These innovative features are designed to simplify the complex process, making it easier to understand and apply the principles of nutrient analysis.
NSR-NutriCal simplifies nutrient calculations with precision. With minimal effort, you can obtain accurate nutrient analysis by following a few uncomplicated steps.
This ultimately saves your time and decreases the possibilities of errors while ensuring reliability in your analysis.
NSR-NutriCal is an online, Google Sheets based tool that offers an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solution to reduce the burden of nutrient analysis.
It is being used for everything from classroom case studies to PhD thesis work. NSR-NutriCal is also being used in national projects.
NSR-NutriCal enables to focus on critical thinking and problem solving, rather than spending time on manual calculations. It promotes digital literacy and helps prepare for the future.
Through engaging sessions and insightful content, we break down complex nutrition concepts into practical knowledge, making nutrient analysis accessible and actionable.
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